The Historic Muscoda Mile
The Smalley House and Hotels of Muscoda
As the community developed thru the later 1800’s Muscoda had established notable housing, most famous of which was the Smalley House.
Originally, it was a two story building built in 1856, and in use until 1874. The building was then replaced by a much larger hotel that measured 100 by 100 and was three stories tall, taking up nearly the entire block. It was an elegant brick structure with a bank on the west side facing Wisconsin Ave.
This elegant wonder would have over 40 rooms with dining facilities and an elaborate hall. It was said that the Smalley house provided the finest accommodations from Portage to Prairie du Chien.
John Duffey in his BITS OF HISTORY would write about the Smalley House being, at the time, the tallest building in SW Wisconsin. In detail he wrote about all the accommodations provided for guests and the public. More than just a hotel, the Smalley House was a Muscoda icon.
Sadly, following a tragic fire in the community, the Smalley House was brought to ruins August 20, 1931.
Following the 1894 fire this brick two story structure was built and still remains today:
The first hotel was built by L .J.D. Parrish in 1840. Then later, in 1848 J.B.
Moore built a second hotel. Both hotels changed owners numerous times.
In 1851 William Salman erected a hotel that would be moved to the location on the west side of Wisconsin Ave. under the ownership of J. D. Pflieisterer. The Muscoda Hotel was formerly located on the corner of Front and Iowa Streets.
Referred to as the Pfleisterer Hotel, the St. Charles Hotel as it was pictured in 1879 was then located on the corner of Wisconsin Avenue & Walnut Street.
A 1924 street scene looking north on Wisconsin Ave. from the railroad: